AI: The image that can speak ?

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Rev13:15 He was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed.
For years bible students scholars struggled to understand how an image(of the beast) could both speak and have enough awareness of thought to know whether or not it and/or 1st beast was being worshipped. AI maybe the answer to this question it can speak and understand every language it could control the 666 world financial system perhaps in a few years it will have its own version of a "mark" to buy and sell
Perhaps these articles in Popular Mechanics can explain better

Humanity May Reach Singularity Within Just 7 Years An AI that can translate speech as well as a human could change society. ... it-happen/

“The key message I want to convey,” he says about controlling AGI, “is that we have to start now.” Humanity may depend on it. ... -humanity/
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