We believe the words of Ecclesiates 4:9-12. We are the living body called to break bread together and experience life together within the new kingdom. Enjoy games and other banter in this forum, from topics A to Z.
I hope you all have a joyous time with family and friends, enjoying this years celebration of the light, coming into the world, baby Jesus. It is Christmas eve here and I will be working tonight but I pray that our God keep you and your family all safe this season and that he bless you mightily and provide for your needs according to his awesome riches in glory. If you have the opportunity to bless someone, please do. This is the first Christmas for this forum. I hope there will be many more to come. xoxoxx
Nothing in all creation is hidden from God's sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of Him to whom we must give account.Hebrew 4:13
Lol! Well I hope everyone had a wonderful time. We had an epic get together with plenty of food and pressies. We kinda did things a little different this year adding a $20 secret santa thingy which turned out really awesome!
Happy New Year also everyone! I'm looking forward to the approach of a new year and have already got started on some new ideas. I will be doing much more praying and fasting this year and also get outdoors more. lol!
Nothing in all creation is hidden from God's sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of Him to whom we must give account.Hebrew 4:13
We did a Chinese gift exchange the past few years on one side of family, but did not this year. It was always fun to let people "steal" gifts and joke around!
This New Year was a little different. In my household, we always work on goals instead of resolutions. We've found that for the past 4-5 years, we've actually met most all of the goals we've set. I don't exactly see it as something mandated by the Bible, but I see it as a prudent course to know where you want to go. Typically, it's a finance/job related goal, faith goal, health goal, and family goal. I try to max out at 5 or so and then my wife has her own 5. It may be anything from earning some extra income to writing notes weekly for my wife to spending deliberate time in prayer or with the kids.
This year, I haven't done them just yet. We've had some lingering sickness in the household and I am just not as gung-ho on the finances this year. I will have them done by this weekend, though.
I guess I am getting older (and more cynical), but the New Year doesn't mean as much to me as it used to. I think it's a great time to setup goals and be intentional, but it's lost the mystique that it once held for me.